How do you celebrate a business acquisition?

How do you celebrate a business acquisition?

After my agency was acquired, I took the advice of a fellow agency owner and spent 1% of the acquisition on an epic trip to Maui with my wife. It’s one of the best things I ever did.

Once the sale was complete I wanted to jump right back into my next business, Terkel.

Instead, celebrating the closing of one chapter helped build up momentum for the opening of another.

A year after that Maui trip, I got curious about how other business owners have celebrated their business being acquired. Naturally, I turned to Terkel for insights. I am planning to acquire an existing companies for sale Canada. This will be the best option because they have already established their business brand and have existing customers.

How do you celebrate a business acquisition?

From taking everyone to Italy to hosting a yacht party, here are 10 answers to the question, “You just sold your company and netted $1M with the condition that 1% had to go towards ‘something fun.’ What are you spending that 1% on to celebrate the sale of your company?”

  • Trip to Italy for the Extended Team
  • Road Trip to the Canadian Rocky Mountains
  • High-end Steak Dinner
  • Fabulous Vacation
  • Shopping Spree for Foster Children
  • Road Trip With My Employees
  • Disney World
  • Family Vacation
  • Corporate Meal Function
  • Yacht Party

Trip to Italy for the Extended Team

Right away, I can think of one fantastic way to direct that 1% towards something truly fun for everyone who made this all possible: a trip to Italy for our employees and their family members!

Normally, such a trip would be too costly for them to plan and take on their own, but what better way to celebrate our collective success together than to pay their way? Our employees are our greatest resource, and it is unlikely we could have gotten ourselves into a position to sell without their hard work. A trip to Italy is the least I could do to repay them!

Linda Scorzo, CEO, Hiring Indicators

Road Trip to the Canadian Rocky Mountains

I’m spending my 1% to celebrate the sale of my company on an unusual indulgence: a self-driven tour of the Canadian Rocky Mountains!

It’s something I’ve always wanted to do but never found the time for, so it will be a great way to enjoy some alone time and unwind from all the hard work that went into selling my company. The drive will take me through breathtaking scenery, giving me plenty of opportunities for sightseeing, photography, and creating lasting memories. Plus, I’ll get to experience world-renowned hotels and dining options on my journey—it’ll certainly be one well-spent 1%.

Carly Hill, Operations Manager,

High-end Steak Dinner

To celebrate the successful sale of my company, I plan to allocate 1% of my earnings towards something that truly embodies this momentous occasion: a high-end steak dinner.

Premium steaks are the epitome of a luxurious and enjoyable dining experience. By indulging in this culinary experience with a select few close friends and family members, we will be able to properly mark the completion of this milestone.

Furthermore, knowing that I have money coming in from the sale allows me to invest in something special for those who have shared and supported me throughout this journey.

Jim Campbell, Owner, Camp Media

Fabulous Vacation

The first thing I would do with the 1% is book myself a fabulous vacation. I would travel to Italy and spend time at Lake Como in Bellagio. There would be no better way to celebrate the sale than lying next to the gorgeous waters surrounded by majestic mountains.

I would explore the Italian countryside by bike and learn to cook amazing Italian foods. Just spending my time shopping and visiting with the locals would restore and refresh both my mind and body. Finally, I would begin planning my next move as my fabulous vacation wound down.

Caroline Duggan, Chief Brand Officer, Lumineux

Shopping Spree for Foster Children

I have always loved the idea of being able to take children on a shopping spree. To take a child into a toy store and allow them to pick whatever they want would be so much fun.

So, I would take the 1% and use it to provide a dream trip to FAO Schwarz for foster children. What would be more fun than watching the children’s faces light up as they walked through the most famous toy store in the world to pick out their gifts?

The only hard part would be not being able to provide this experience to every kid. But, I would love every minute of the experience.

Andrew Adamo, VP, Bullion Shark

Road Trip With My Employees

I know exactly what I’m doing! I’m renting a bus, packing it full with all of my amazing employees, current and past, and we are going on an entirely spontaneous journey across the United States. I truly believe this is and will be a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and as I reflect upon all we’ve accomplished, it only makes me more excited. I can’t wait to hit the road!

Ludovic Chung-Sao, Lead Engineer and Founder, Zen Soundproof

Disney World

“What are you going to do now that you’ve won the Super Bowl?” There is only one correct answer—go to Disney World! And if I sold my business and had to spend 1% on something fun, that something would be a trip to Disney World.

I would take my friends and we would relive our childhood dreams. We would visit all four parks, riding all the rides and having pictures made with Mickey, Minnie, Pooh, and Tigger. This would create the memory of a lifetime. The only work I would do is deciding where to eat and what to buy. There would be time to plan what’s going to happen next after the trip of a lifetime.

Brianna Bitton, Co-Founder, OPositiv

Family Vacation

Working with my adult children to develop our company has taken up most of our time together. If we sold the company and had to spend $10,000 doing something fun, I would schedule a vacation with my children.

Where we went wouldn’t matter; the important thing would be to just spend quality time and have fun without worrying about business or what needs to be done next. I see my children working so hard to make our company successful, so pulling them away and forcing them to relax and have fun would be amazing. I would like to see them play as hard as they work.

Mary Kay Bitton, Head of Product Innovation, FLO Vitamins

Corporate Meal Function

Instead of focusing your attention on a select few employees or perhaps just the sales team, organize a corporate function and invite everyone. On the last few selling days of the month, when most of the company’s revenue is generated, I believe the manager should order lunch for the staff and gather them for a brief group meal.

It will raise spirits and provide an opportunity for interaction between staff members from various departments. Additionally, it will prevent employees from leaving for extended meals, and they will celebrate the sale.

Inga Broerman, VP of Marketing, BluLogix

Yacht Party

Who doesn’t love a good boat party? What better way to celebrate the sale of your company? Rent a yacht, invite all your employees, and throw an epic party on the water with the people who helped you get to this point. Open bar, no rules, just fun. This is how I would spend the 1% on something fun.

Scott Krager, Founder, Key Fob Replacement

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