Would You Ride in a Driverless, Self-driving Car in 2023?

Riding in a driverless Waymo with my ten year old son was one of the coolest moments I’ve had in life. Seriously.

We caught a Waymo to go to the Arizona Science Center. There was no driver. Just the two of us in the backseat.

When we got into the museum there was an exhibit called “The Future.” In the Future, there was a Waymo. It cost $7 to get into the exhibit. It cost $5.93 to get to the museum in a Waymo.

Who needs a glimpse into the future when you can live it?

Since then I’ve told countless people about my experience of riding in a driverless car. I’d say nine out of ten people think I’m crazy for riding in one. But what would the community at Terkel say? If you get involved in a vehicular accident while riding in a driverless car, you may need to seek legal assistance from an auto accident lawyer.

Would You Ride in a Driverless, Self-driving Car in 2023?

As we move closer to a future filled with autonomous vehicles, the question of whether or not we would ride in a driverless car becomes increasingly relevant. We asked 11 professionals from various industries about their thoughts on riding in a self-driving car in 2023, and their answers range from embracing the future’s benefits to expressing concerns about safety and legal risks. Read on to discover the diverse perspectives on this fascinating topic.

  • Special Track for Safety Concerns
  • Uncomfortable Due to Safety Issues
  • Embracing the Future’s Benefits
  • Welcoming Advanced Technology
  • Preference for Less Traffic
  • Skeptical of Technology Readiness
  • Seeking More Safety Evidence
  • Concerned About Legal Risks
  • Considering Special Cases
  • Preferring Human Drivers
  • Wary of Software and Hacking

Special Track for Safety Concerns

I would ride a driverless car but only on a special track. Despite the current technological advancements and development surrounding self-driving cars, I believe that there is still a lot of progress to be made before these vehicles are safe enough for public roads. Therefore, until the technology is proven to be reliable and efficient, especially in hazardous situations, I would only feel comfortable riding in one if it was on a closed track or an environment that is completely controlled.

Natalia BrzezinskaNatalia Brzezinska
Marketing and Outreach Manager, ePassportPhoto

Uncomfortable Due to Safety Issues

While the idea of a driverless car is exciting, I’m not yet comfortable riding in one. In fact, autonomous vehicles are still not authorized to traverse public roads. With no human input or oversight, there’s always a risk that something could go wrong. Additionally, while these cars may be programmed to obey all traffic laws and regulations, they cannot account for unexpected events like other drivers’ behavior on the road. Until these vehicles are proven to be reliable and safe, I’m content sticking with traditional forms of transportation.

Gary GrayGary Gray
CFO, CouponChief.com

Embracing the Future’s Benefits

Self-driving cars are the wave of the future, and they are expected to revolutionize transportation as we know it. In 2023, self-driving cars could be a common sight on roads across the globe. While some people might be wary of this new technology, there are several advantages that come with driverless vehicles.

For one, self-driving cars could make roads considerably safer. Automated systems can be programmed to accurately and consistently follow safety protocols like speed limits and traffic laws, reducing the risk of crashes caused by human error or negligence. Additionally, driverless vehicles don’t get tired or distracted, which could cut down on fatigue-related accidents.

Aviad FaruzAviad Faruz

Welcoming Advanced Technology

Given the chance, I would certainly ride in a driverless, self-driving car by 2023. Although these vehicles have only recently been revealed to the public, the technology necessary for them has already advanced significantly in terms of AI controllers and localizing systems. The prospect of no longer having to worry about being behind the wheel is welcome relief and an uncommon example of this type of technology can be found in drone cabs. These cabs autonomously scan their surrounding environments with sensors which allow them to map out routes while avoiding other traffic or pedestrians, ensuring passengers always have a safe trip. As these technologies become more commonplace over time, moving from concept to reality, I am looking forward to riding along without ever needing to touch a steering wheel.

Kate DuskeKate Duske
Editor in Chief, Escape Room Data

Preference for Less Traffic

I will ride in a driverless, self-driving car in 2023 if I’m in a city with less traffic. I would not be comfortable riding in one in a place like New York City, but I would give it a try in Albuquerque. My main concern is the reaction time. Self-driving cars lack the intuition of human drivers to deal with sudden events, which are more common in high-traffic cities.

Liam LiuLiam Liu
Co-founder and CMO, ParcelPanel

Skeptical of Technology Readiness

Self-driving cars have been right around the corner every year for over a decade. The technology just never seems to get where it needs to be. (It’s the cold fusion of the transportation sector.) Just recently, I watched a self-driving car struggle to drive down a perfectly normal city street in good weather. That wasn’t exactly inspiring. I’m not counting out driverless cars. Too much money has been invested in them, and too many smart people are working on them for this to be a total bust. Maybe 2024 will finally be the year that self-driving cars really arrive.

Temmo KinoshitaTemmo Kinoshita
Co-founder, Lindenwood Marketing

Seeking More Safety Evidence

While I am intrigued by the idea of riding in a self-driving car, I would need to see more evidence that the technology is safe and reliable before I would feel comfortable putting my life in the hands of an autonomous vehicle. While the technology has the potential to reduce human error and make our roads safer, it is not yet foolproof, and there have been several high-profile accidents involving self-driving cars. Additionally, there are ethical questions that need to be addressed regarding the behavior of these cars in emergency situations.

Basana SahaBasana Saha
Founder, KidsCareIdeas

Concerned About Legal Risks

Self-driving cars still require human supervision, plain and simple. While technological errors are less likely than human errors in many cases when it comes to driving, when these errors do occur, there needs to be someone present who is ready and able to address them. In a completely driverless car, if a technology-related error occurs, would the passenger be liable for any damages or harm caused by the vehicle? There are many such questions surrounding self-driving cars with human supervision currently, before we even mention a completely driverless self-driving car. Until the full legality behind self-driving cars is figured out, riding in one will technically come with an unknown degree of legal risks.

Max SchwartzapfelMax Schwartzapfel
CMO, Schwartzapfel Lawyers

Considering Special Cases

While I’m still hesitant to ride in a driverless car, I see the potential benefits of using them in special cases. For example, if given the opportunity to use an autonomous vehicle on a private road with limited or no other traffic, I would consider it. In such situations, the risk of accidents and malfunctions is significantly lower than on public roads. Additionally, this could be an excellent way to explore a new area without worrying about navigation. As long as professionals monitor these vehicles closely and have emergency protocols in place, I think this is an acceptable option for those brave enough to try it out.

Nick RivadeneiraNick Rivadeneira
Founder, Racebuilds

Preferring Human Drivers

I would take a ride in a driverless vehicle if it were in a controlled environment where there weren’t other vehicles. As for on the open road – I’d have to say “No!” I don’t feel that vehicles are safe without a human driver behind the wheel. As with any AI, it cannot replicate the human mind. Vehicles need this human element to be safe and effective on any road.

Mike PodestoMike Podesto
Founder and CEO,

Wary of Software and Hacking

Definitely not. I’d sooner go stick-shift. And taking the tech approach to this…Elon Musk built the self-driving car and then simply declared that the “problem is solved”. Yet, the accidents that took place following this declaration showed that, just like any software, constant updates to software are needed.

The last thing I want at 70 mph on a highway is for my car’s software to upgrade, or worse, get hacked. I have to go 100% Will Smith in iRobot on this: I want to control the speed and the steering wheel.

I don’t need to text so badly while driving that I let a flawed machine take over. Simple physics: Wait a few minutes vs. take risks in a 4000-pound object.

Kristina RamosKristina Ramos
Reverse Recruiter, Find My Profession Find My Profession

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